Glo-Ed is a socially responsible school travel company. We work with schools to take the burden of travel planning away.
At Glo-Ed, we understand that there are many stakeholders in running a successful school trip abroad. Firstly, you, the organiser have to be interested and see the benefit. Then you have to get approval from SLT. At the same time ultimately this is a trip for the students...paid for by their parents in most cases. So how do you please everyone??
Glo-Ed is a school travel company with social responsibility at its core. We take the risk management of school travel, with the values of responsible travel, and a flavour of adventure travel.
Quite simply:
We believe in the power of education
We believe that travel is one of the best forms of education
We believe in UNESCO's 4 pillars of learning
We believe businesses should lead by example by being fair, ethical & environmentally friendly
And last but not least:
Because we blooming LOVE what we do!
1. We work flexible hours to suit the needs of teachers & educators. We don't knock off at 5pm.
2. No messing around - we are small and service proud - get through to someone who can make decisions and sort issues straight away - we are reachable online & on whatsapp most of the time for your quick queries.
3. We follow industry guidelines and go above and beyond to keep your group safe & secure whilst abroad. When it comes to your safety & security we act first and worry about the finances later (we take extra insurances to cover this at no extra cost to you).
4. We have core values that keep us focused on social impact.
5. Each year we support charitable initiatives based on your feedback.